How it works

Starting the Game

  • To start a game, the command „/start“ must be executed, and the correct number of players must be specified. After that, the bot sends the game invitation in the same channel where the command was executed, and the other players can join the game by clicking on the „Join Game“ button.
    • The number of players can only be specified at the beginning of the game and cannot be changed later.
    • You must be in a voice chat to be able to join the game.
  • Once all players have joined, the game starts automatically. It creates the necessary text chats, voice chats, and roles, assigns them to the players, and configures the required permissions automatically.
    • People with administrator rights can see all the game channels. Therefore, it is recommended to remove this role during the game.
    • The owner of the Discord server will always be able to see all channels. This cannot be changed! A second account can be used to bypass this.

Game Flow

  • The game operates on a day-night cycle that continues until one side wins. During the night, roles are called upon in their designated text chats to perform their actions. During the day, all players are equal and try to expose the evil forces to execute them.

  • After the game starts automatically, all players are moved to a voice chat („Assembly“). They remain there for a moment until everything is set up. When night falls, all players are moved to their houses, and the game begins. Throughout the game, players can follow which role is currently active and what they are doing in the „Assembly“ text chat.

  • When it’s your role’s turn, you will be pinged by the WerwolfChord bot in the designated text chat, and a user interface (UI) will appear. From this point, the player only needs to follow the instructions provided in the message.

  • During the day, all players are moved to the „Assembly“ voice chat, and the „Assembly“ text chat is unlocked for writing. Additionally, it lists all players who died during the previous night.

  • Players who have died are muted server-wide for the rest of the game and can no longer send messages in the „Assembly“ text chat. However, they can still follow the game’s progress in the voice or text chat. If the players enter the „Cemetery“ voice chat, their mute status is lifted and re-applied upon leaving. At the end of the game, all mute statuses are lifted.


    • If a player is not in any voice chat at the end of the game, their mute status cannot be lifted and must be removed manually by an administrator.
    • The game flow can vary with the use of templates.

End of the Game

  • A WerwolfChord game can have different outcomes:

  • The villagers win when the number of living werewolves is zero.

  • The werewolves win when the number of living good players is less than or equal to the number of living werewolves, and the couple in love is dead.

  • A draw occurs when the total number of living players drops to zero simultaneously. This is only possible in certain situations.

  • The couple in love wins if they are the last two survivors.

For more information, join our Discord server and don’t hesitate to ask any questions.